18 Online Math Games for Key Stage 1, Elementary Schools, Ages 5-7 Years.
Free Maths kids games and activities for your IWB, PC or Mac. Help your child with maths at home. Teaching resources for numeracy lessons with cool Maths games, help children have fun while they learn.

A visual open ended activity to help with basic calculation and number bonds. Create number piles, Drag and drop the number bars to help explain a variety of concepts.

A visual excersice to help with basic subtraction. Drag and drop the number bars to help with the calculation.

Moneybox to £2.00
A KS 1 money application where teachers and pupils can drag coins into a money box and then calculate the money box total. Uses coins 1p to 20p to a maximum total of £2.00

Coins to £2.00
Open ended resource for teachers to ask their pupils questions as part of a whole class starter activity on money in maths.

Sweet Shop
A KS 1 money application where teachers and pupils can choose items to buy and then pay for them by dragging coins onto a hand Uses coins 1p to 20p to a maximum total of £2.00

Simple Scales
Drag and drop the toys onto the scales. Individual toys, the needle, the scale numbers and the pan can all be hidden and revealed- good for problem solving work.

Coins to 50p
Open ended resource for teachers to ask their pupils questions as part of a whole class starter activity on money in maths.

0 - 10 Card Flip
The number cards can be used in a variety of ways in maths lessons. Use the shuffle button to start, limit the available colours by using the coloured buttons followed by the shuffle button. Drag out up to 5 cards for further work.

1 - 10 Card Flip
The number cards can be used in a variety of ways in maths lessons. Use the shuffle button to start, limit the available colours by using the coloured buttons followed by the shuffle button. Drag out up to 5 cards for further work.

Digit Work-out
Try this progressive range of mental maths activities to sharpen recall of key number facts. Keep a record of your best times.

Two Digit Number Labelling
Drag and drop the names of the two digit numbers on to the picture. The name box will turn green if correctly placed.

Hundred Square (small)
A smaller version of the versatile hundred square with three highlight colours, hide or reveal, variable start number and a variable step feature.

Double Function Machine
Two operation function machine with options to hide or reveal numbers and set all operations and numbers.

Wash Line 1
Hang out the washing in the correct order in this Key Stage 1 ordinal number activity.

Teachers Toolkit
Demonstration tools to support whole class and group teaching in the daily maths lesson. Ideal for use on interactive whiteboards.

Number Balance KS1
An activity for developing understanding of simple equations. Hide individual numbers or symbols as you wish. Designed for teacher led investigations.

Hundred Square
A versatile hundred square with three highlight colours, hide or reveal, variable start number and a variable step feature.