252 free educational interactive teaching resources and activities for Primary/Elementary Schools.
84 free to use fun kids games/activities for kids aged 4 - 11.
170 plus links to free interactive teaching activities, educational games, image and software resources.
Suitable for use on an IWB, PC or Mac at school.
Also for teachers, parents & children at home with a PC or Mac.
Online educational learning games and activities for Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Kindergarten and Elementary schools.
Subjects including:
Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, R.E., D.T., I.C.T, French and Spanish.
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Life is MessyDecember 2018
AO.com have launched a new campaign called 'Life is Messy'. It involves an interactive piece challenging classes to put away the technology for a little while and to get outside and playing messy! The piece includes 30 activities, supported by extra information and inspiration to make sure you can create the activity.
Historic LondonNovember 2018
An innovative way to teach history in the modern classroom?
Historic London is a fully interactive piece that, with the use of the Google Street view functionality, enables you to peruse the bustling streets of London in order to see how some of the most famous parts of our Capital would have looked as far back as 100 years ago.
It displays the contrast (or in some cases similarities) between the past and present by overlaying an olden image of how the street would have looked back then, over the top of the current street view imagery.
Bright HorizonsSeptember 2018
Bright Horizons have created a lot of content in giving parents advice for their children in the early years. There are elements in their Family resources page on parenting tips, activities for children and advice from their early years experts. Including indoor and outdoor activities and how you can make learning fun.
Giving To Help OthersJuly 2018
The Giving To Help Others website has some information designed for students aged 5-11 to introduce them to the concept of donation: how we are able to give, literally a part of ourselves, to help save a life.
Links checked and updatedMay 2018
We have checked and updated all of our links pages and have taken the opportunity to add some extra World War One links.
Here are a few of the latest free interactive resources added to our site.
(Click the resource image to open the resource)

Ball Juggling
A number functions, three level game based on football. It’s time for some ball juggling practice, answer the maths questions before the balls hit the ground.

Basic Number Recognition
A basic numeral recognition activitiy. Develop your mouse control and number skills by matching number digits to words in the 1 to 10 range.

A visual open ended activity to help with basic calculation and number bonds. Create number piles, Drag and drop the number bars to help explain a variety of concepts.

12x12 Square
A versatile 12x12 square with three highlight colours, hide or reveal, variable start number and a variable step feature.

One Man Team
A cross curricular game based on football. Use your skill to answer the questions, then dribble past the defender and score.