9 I.C.T. Links
(Click the resource image to open the link)
The Concerned Parent’s Toolbox – 120 Tools and Tricks to Protect Your Kids
Welcome To The Web
By working your way through this web site and taking part in the exciting challenges and activities, you will learn all about the Internet. Good luck! Fantastic site covering; searching, safety, navigation plus lots more.

Computer Tutor
Interactive video instructions show you how to use a mouse, keyboard and computer screen, from the BBC.

Spreadsheet Recognition
The resource demonstrates through animation the main parts of the spreadsheet and five basic types of formula including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and the average formula.

A great site with areas for different age groups. Contains cartoons, jigsaws, text and teacher resources. Covers all aspects of safety online.

Present it!
This resource is designed to be used with pupils who are new to the concept of multimedia presentation. It will introduce the term "multimedia" and look at how it differs to more traditional methods of presenting information.

Digital News
How to create a school newsletter that uses text for effect and allows pupils to insert graphics and sound.

Representing and checking data
Looking at why checking information for mistakes is important and about how poor quality information can lead to unreliable results.