20 Numeracy Links
(Click the resource image to open the link)

X Times Table
Interactive customisable times table activity. Choose the number of rows and columns then wait for the random calculation question to appear in the corresponding grid square.

Math Pop
A fun visual addition game. Players will have to pop the balloons to add up the numbers. The goal is to reach the star number without going over it.

Mathster Free Worksheets
Dozens of free maths worksheets for KS1 & KS2 along with their range of premium paid for services.

Math Worksheets Land
Over 9,700 PDF files of Math Worksheets For All Ages, from Preschool to High School always 100% free.

Demonstrate Partitioning
Add two or three 2-digit numbers by adding the tens digit and the units digit separately. Break the numbers up and add them together again.

Maths For Kids
Primary school children can choose between ten levels and various kinds of mathematics exercises.

Mothmatic Math Games
A growing range of engaing free to use animated maths games with different levels of difficulty.

Time Monsters
A great interactive time resources that doesn’t require reading skills, also there are quick access menus for teachers with a series of automated DIY time teaching worksheets.

The Wall - Divide
Click on the bricks with the correct answer to destroy the wall and move up a level.

The Wall - Subtract
Click on the bricks with the correct answer to destroy the wall and move up a level.

The Wall - Multiply
Click on the bricks with the correct answer to destroy the wall and move up a level.

The Wall - Addition
Click on the bricks with the correct answer to destroy the wall and move up a level.

Pocket Money
A fun, quick, plenary-type game to encourage mental agility in handling of quantities of money. Notes and coins can be changed in the machine to be shared to the children.

Calculators for Kids
Figuring out fun things like a how old your cat is in human years or how many calories you just burned is possible using this list of free calculators.